Plant-based proteins

Our plant- based proteins are specially developed to meet the requirements of modern food production. They offer an excellent source of high-quality proteins and are suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether for meat substitutes, baked goods or beverages - our plant-based proteins support the development of healthy and sustainable products.

Verschiedene pflanzliche Proteinpulver, darunter Ackerbohnen-, Soja-, Cashew-, Erbsen-, Erdnuss-, Gersten-, Hanf-, Kartoffel-, Kichererbsen-, Kürbiskern-, Mandel-, Reis-, Linsen-, Sonnenblumen- und Weizenprotein, auf einem natürlichen Hintergrund arrangiert.

Ein Schälchen gefüllt mit feinem Sojaprotein. Das Sojaprotein hat eine hellgelbe Farbe und eine feine Textur. Neben dem Schälchen liegen einige Sojabohnen.

Soy protein


Our soy isolates improve texture, stability and nutritional values in meat and vegetable products. They offer a wide range of applications for gelling, emulsification, dispersion and injection and contribute to the production of high-quality foods.


Our soy protein concentrate is versatile in food production and offers different variants for specific applications. It improves the texture and nutritional value of meat and plant-based products thanks to its high functionality and quality.

To the product


The soy protein texturate is ideal for the production of vegetarian and vegan products. It improves the texture, absorbs different flavors and provides a pleasant chewing sensation.

To the product

[Translate to English:] Ein schlichtes, elegantes Bild zeigt eine Schale mit feinem Ackerbohnenproteinpulver. Die Schale ist zentral im Bild platziert und steht auf einem komplett weißen Hintergrund, wodurch das beige Pulver gut zur Geltung kommt.

Field bean protein

Field bean protein is an excellent source of protein that is rich in essential amino acids. It is ideal for vegan and vegetarian products and for protein-enriched snacks.

To the product

Bio Erbsenprotein 80%  in einer einfachen, eleganten Schale vor einem reinweißen Hintergrund. Das Pulver ist hellgelblich-grün und fein gemahlen.

Pea protein

Our organic and conventional pea proteins offer high protein content and a wide range of applications in food production. With a neutral taste, good solubility and creamy texture, they are ideal for sports nutrition, food supplements, baked goods and meat analog products.

Organic pea protein

Pea protein - conventional


Our pea protein texturate improves the texture and chewiness of plant-based products. It has a high water and oil binding capacity and is ideal for meat alternatives and vegetarian food products.

To the product

Ein Schälchen gefüllt mit feinem Bio Reisprotein 85%. Das Bio Reisprotein 85% hat eine schneeweiße Farbe und eine feine Textur. Neben dem Schälchen liegen einige Reiskörner.

Rice protein

Our organic and conventional rice proteins are characterized by their high protein content, smooth texture and versatility. Ideal for sports nutrition, food supplements and baked goods, they offer a neutral taste and excellent nutritional values for health-conscious products.

Organic rice protein

Rice protein - conventional

Cashewprotein-Pulver in einer schlichten, eleganten Schale, vor einem reinweißen Hintergrund zentriert. Das Pulver ist fein gemahlen und hat eine hellbeige Farbe, die typisch für Cashewprotein ist.

Cashew protein

Cashew protein is obtained from cashew nuts and offers a mild taste and creamy texture. It is ideal for smoothies, vegan desserts and nut milk alternatives.

To the product

Eine Schale mit Erdnussprotein, einem feinen beigefarbenen Pulver, umgeben von einigen ganzen Erdnüssen in ihrer Schale.

Peanut protein

Peanut protein is a flavorful source of protein that is ideal for baked goods, snacks and high-protein bars. It contains all the essential amino acids and is rich in healthy fats.

To the product

Eine Schale mit Gerstenprotein, einem feinen hellbraunen Pulver.

Barley protein

Barley protein is extracted from barley and is rich in soluble fiber and protein. It is often used in baked goods and beverages to increase nutritional value and improve texture.

To the product

Fein gemahlenes Hanfproteinpulver in einer einfachen, eleganten Schale vor reinweißem Hintergrund. Das Pulver hat eine leicht grünlich-braune Farbe und ist sehr fein und glatt gemahlen.

Hemp protein

Hemp protein is a complete protein source that contains all the essential amino acids. It is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and is ideal for smoothies and vegan protein shakes.

To the product

Das Bild zeigt eine Glasschale, die mit Kartoffelprotein-Pulver gefüllt ist. Das Pulver hat eine helle, cremefarbene Farbe und eine feine, leicht klumpige Textur. Neben der Schale liegen einige ganze und in Scheiben geschnittene Kartoffeln auf einer weißen Oberfläche verstreut.

Potato protein

Potato protein is easily digestible and hypoallergenic, making it an ideal choice for allergen-free products. It has a neutral taste and is versatile.

To the product

Eine Schale gefüllt mit feinem Kichererbsenprotein. Das Kichererbsenprotein hat eine helle, cremefarbene Farbe und eine feine Textur. Neben dem Schälchen liegen einige ganze Kichererbsen.

Chickpea protein

Chickpea protein is rich in fiber and protein and is ideal for vegan and gluten-free foods. It is often used in snacks, baked goods and meat alternatives.

To the product

Das Bild zeigt eine weiße Schale, die mit Kürbiskernprotein-Pulver gefüllt ist. Das Pulver hat eine hellgrüne Farbe und eine feine, leicht klumpige Textur. Neben der Schale sind einige grüne Kürbiskerne auf einer weißen Oberfläche verstreut.

Pumpkin seed protein

Pumpkin seed protein offers a high protein content and a variety of micronutrients. It has a nutty taste and is ideal for baked goods, bars and smoothies.

To the product

Das Bild zeigt eine weiße Schale, die mit Mandelprotein-Pulver gefüllt ist. Das Pulver hat eine hellbeige Farbe und eine feine, leicht klumpige Textur. Um die Schale herum sind einige ganze Mandeln auf einer weißen Oberfläche verstreut.

Almond protein

Almond protein is made from almonds and has a mild, nutty flavor. It is rich in vitamin E and is ideal for smoothies, baked goods and vegan milk alternatives.

To the product

Ein weißer Hintergrund zeigt eine Schale gefüllt mit einem Hügel aus rotem Linsenprotein-Pulver, umgeben von kleinen, runden, roten Linsen.

Red lentil protein

Red lentil protein is an excellent source of protein that is rich in fiber and essential amino acids. It is ideal for soups, stews and vegan meat alternatives.

To the product

Ein weißer Hintergrund zeigt einen Hügel aus Sonnenblumenprotein-Pulver, umgeben von mehreren leuchtend gelben Sonnenblumen.

Sunflower protein

Sunflower protein is obtained from de-oiled sunflower seeds and is rich in protein and fiber. It has a mild taste and is often used in baked goods and snacks.

To the product


Our sunflower protein texturate is perfect for the production of plant-based meat alternatives and snacks. It offers an excellent texture and high water-binding capacity, which helps to improve product quality.

To the product

Ein Schälchen gefüllt mit feinem Weizenprotein. Das Weizenprotein hat eine hellbraune Farbe und eine feine Textur. Neben dem Schälchen liegen einige Weizenkörner und zwei Weizenähren.

Wheat protein

Wheat protein, also known as gluten, is an elastic protein that is often used in the bakery industry to improve the texture and volume of breads.

To the product


The wheat protein texturate offers outstanding functional properties for food production. It improves the texture and chewing sensation and is ideal for plant-based meat alternatives and snack food.

To the product


The wheat protein crispies offer an excellent texture and high protein content, ideal for plant-based meat alternatives and snacks. They improve the chewing sensation and have a high water and oil binding capacity.

To the product

"Our plant-based proteins offer a sustainable and healthy alternative to animal proteins. With our wide range of high-quality ingredients, we support our customers in developing innovative and healthy foods that meet modern nutritional trends."

Wolfgang Walk, CEO & certified food technologist

Our plant proteins for your applications